Author Archives: Mike

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Harvesting Your Herb Garden

There\'s nothing more rewarding than to reach out to your supply of herbs when cooking and know that it game right from your very own herb garden prepared by yours truly. From the ground to the plate, the thought of knowing that the herb you use comes from your own efforts is enough to boost ...

Harvesting and Storing Tomatoes

Once you\'ve got all the toiling and sweating in the garden seeding and planting your tomatoes, there\'s nothing more rewarding than to see your hard work pay off when your first tomato fruit emerges. It\'s a terribly exciting feeling knowing that you will soon be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor (literally). The ...

Germinating Seeds for Your Herb Garden

Growing your own herb garden from seeds is a very rewarding experience and allows you to grow herb varieties that may otherwise be un available at herb plant growers. When you decide to cultivate your own herb garden at home, you must be mindful that many garden herbs must be started by germinating the herb ...

Preparing Soil for Your Herb Garden

Growing your own herbs is a very fulfilling and economical project that you can undertake. Herbs enhance the flavor of your meals as well as help reduce food cost by eliminating the need to purchase your herb supply at the supermarket. A successful herb garden comes from proper preparation of the soil that you will ...

Planning Your First Herb Garden

Your herb garden can be as simple as a small indoor container unit or a very elaborate patch outdoors that provides both aesthetic appeal to your home and of course, in culinary function in your kitchen.Herb Garden Size and DesignThe size of your herb garden depends on the number of variety you desire. It also ...

Making Your Own Compost

Compost is basically made up to of decomposed organic material. The organic material can be of plant or animal origin. Composting is not as mysterious or complicated as most people seem to think. It is a very simple and natural process. It occurs naturally in nature, and half the time without any assistance from humans. Decomposition ...

Preparing Your Herbs

Herbs have played a central role in the culinary world. They provide enhanced taste and are a great way to season foods. Herb gardens can be as small as a potted container to a 4 by 6 feet patch in your garden. Herbs are grown not just for their use in cooking but also for ...

Planning Your Warm Weather Vegetable Garden

Growing vegetables is a very fulfilling project that not only helps you save money but also improves your diet. It also helps you with getting a bit of exercise in the outdoors. You don\'t have to go full on with a huge vegetable patch. Your project can be as big as a half acre land ...

Deciding Which Warm-weather Crops

Home grown vegetables win hands down when it comes face to face in a taste competition. Whether it be a psychological effect or because you know what you are (and are not) putting into your own garden patch (pesticides etc), growing your own warm weather garden gives you not just the satisfaction of a job ...

Planning Your Winter Flower Garden

Autumn is a great time to prepare your garden for the coming winter months. Your garden does not need to look drab and boring during the cold weather months. Add a dash of colour with some flowering plants that will bring not only a little bit of cheerful colour, but even winter birds that will ...

Building a Green house

Have you ever dreamt of having a green house as part of your home? Green houses are a great addition, providing you with a space within your home that is relaxing and healthy as well as provide you a spot where you can even grow your own vegetable and flowers. It doesn\'t take a rocket ...

Ways to optimize your vegetable and flower garden

Sometimes we just wish we could have a nice patch of land to cultivate our own garden of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Adding to living in a densely populated place where space is scares, and not having enough time to care for your garden all year around, most of us end up buying our vegetables ...

Building a Vertical Garden

Urbanization has robbed Mother Nature of space to place her beautiful brood of plants and flowers. Known also as a living wall, green wall or sky farm, vertical gardens are well-suited for an urban environment where space is limited. So if you can’t go wide, what do you do?You go up!Many business establishments are ...

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