Category Archives: Plants

Build a Floating Hydroponic Garden

Building a Floating Hydroponic Garden Building a floating hydroponic garden, also known as the Raft system, provides an advantage to gardeners because its plants are normally free from pests and would be able to produce as the plant grows using the traditional method. It is also ideal for planting leafy green plants such as lettuce, kale ...

Planting Oriental Lilies Seeds

Gardening is a fun activity to do, but there\'s a lot that we have to know before we plunge into this nice hobby. For those of us who love gardening, we constantly think of new plans and thoughts to make our garden pretty and admirable. We tend to choose the prettiest of plants so that ...

Protecting Blueberry Bushes

Protect Blueberry Bushes When we create a garden for us, we tend to plant the most decorative colors of plants that we can find. Decorative plants are chosen in a way that they are fruitful to us, yes most of the time, they will be fruits.Blueberry bushes are some of the most decorative colors of plants, ...

Fertilizing Evergreens in Winter

Evergreens in Winter Gardening is a simple and nice hobby. If you are not familiar and this is your first step with gardening then you might find it a bit difficult. But, fear not as it doesn\'t last forever. You will get a grasps of gardening in no time. Overall, gardening is a very enjoying activity, ...

Planting Green Beans

Plant Green Beans Green beans which are known as snap beans or string beans are the second most popular home garden vegetable being planted after tomatoes. This is due to the fact that they are easy to care for and these plants or vegetables also provide a good yield. They are the most-sought after plants as ...

Growing Potentilla Shrubs

Grow Potentilla Shrubs Potentilla shrubs which are also known as cinquefoil, are an ideal choice of plants that is used for landscaping because it can be planted in mass or as a specimen. Apart from that, it is also lasting, compact and it is also a disease-free type of plant. The shrubs is easy to maintain ...

Identifying Blueberry Bushes

Identify Blueberry Bushes When we create a garden for us, we tend to plant the most decorative colors of plants that we can find. Decorative plants are chosen in a way that they are fruitful to us, yes most of the time, they will be fruits. Blueberry bushes certainly have the same vibe around them. Not ...

Growing perfect tomatoes

Among popular fruits which many people love to grow in their garden during the summer months is the tomatoes. Although tomatoes are easy to grow, still not many of us can successfully grow large bushes and vines covered with lush, big and bright red tomatoes. If you want to know how to grow the perfect ...

Repotting your roses

Every third year, you should repot your roses to maintain the plant\'s growth and health. The best time to repot your roses is towards the end of the autumn season when the day temperature has come down. By the middle of October, this is the most preferably time of pruning to your roses. Here are ...

Growing board beans

The broad beans or some people call the fava bean is a common legume species cultivated almost all over the world although it comes from northern Africa and southwest Asia. Egypt, Italy, Greece and Portugal are among the countries which traditions involve using the broad beans. These beans are essential parts of your diet and ...

Killing weed plants easily

There are many types of weed plant killers available in the market nowadays. Although they are very affective, commercial weed killers can be very costly to purchase. These killers also utilize harmful chemicals that many people should avoid. If you want to spend less money yet still have an effective weed plant killer, you can ...

Dealing a plant with root ball

You will have to bury a root ball no matter what type of plants that you will plan to grow. Whether you are planting fruits or ornamental trees, most of them contain a root ball or system of roots with attached soils. It supports the health of the tree. In order to provide suffice nourishment ...

Creating a self-watering container for your plants

Self-watering plant containers are helpful for the environment if you are living in a green lifestyle. This creation is such a brilliant gardening innovation which helps the gardeners not only to save time and effort but also the water source as well. They are excellent tool to reduce the amount of wasted water from over ...

Growing Plumbago

Plumbago is a tender perennial shrub with beautiful blue flowers that blossoms from July to winter season. This plant grows easily in hot and dry condition; in fact, it is drought-tolerant and likes the heat. However, if you are living in a cold area and still want to plant Plumbago, you just have to use ...

Being a good garden coach

A garden coach is a person who works the same job as the landscape architect, a therapist and a landscaper. A homeowner, who has a garden that she/he is unhappy with, will usually hire a garden coach which, most times, two homeowners are involved. Usually, garden coaching is not a full time job. However, if ...

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