Hanging your Kitchen Cabinets

By having a new kitchen cabinet, your kitchen area will definitely be transformed into an important part out of the overall look of your kitchen room. Always remember that this kind of task requires you to have the right tools and understand the steps involved before starting to work on the project. Below are guides on how to hang your kitchen cabinets.

What you need:

  1. Pencil
  2. Tape measure
  3. Chalk line or ruler for marking straight lines
  4. Straight wood strips (1-by-4 inches)
  5. Screwdrivers, soft-headed hammer and other tools as specified in the kitchen cabinet kit
  6. Wood screws


  1. In order to hang your kitchen cabinets, the most important thing to do is to measure correctly and mark the area. You need to draw a straight line for the top edge (upper kitchen) and bottom edge (lower kitchen) cabinets. This can be achieved by using a level and then draw the line with a pencil and ruler. Do not forget to check and re-check your measurements of marks, plus also leveling everything while you do your work making sure it is straight.
  2. Next, you need to hang the upper cabinets first beneath the line at the bottom of the upper cabinet and tack it up with a straight piece of wood (1-by-4) for supporting it temporarily.
  3. Then, connect the upper cabinets together on your floor and make sure they are straight with one another. After that, find the wall studs and mark them.
  4. Move the hanging strips of wood on the back of the upper cabinet assembly in order to match your wall studs. This can be done by measuring from the wall marks and transferring measurements to the upper cabinet assembly. Then, attach the upper cabinet assembly onto the wall using appropriate screws securely.
  5. For easier assembly, you need to remove the baseboard. As for the lower cabinets, the process is the same where you also need to mark its location with straight line.
  6. You have to construct the base corner unit first before working outward from there to install the rest of the lower cabinets.
  7. After that, you can install the cabinet\’s doors and drawers. Finally, you have to install kickplates and the baseboards.
  8. Always remember, your measurements must also include space for installing countertop, to leave necessary spaces for accommodating plumbing lines or any other items needed outside the cabinet.

Additional Reading:

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