Home Decorating Gifts

If you are looking for an inexpensive and easy gift that you can make by yourself this coming festive season, do not look any further because you can surprise your friends and families by making seashell gifts because this type of beautiful crafts is really easy and simple to create and you can utilize these jewels of the sea according to your personalized creativity thus showing your friends and families that you really care for them with the crafts.

What you need to do:

  1. Natural Assorted seashells or one that you purchased from craft shop
  2. Sand or rice
  3. Tea light
  4. Parrafin
  5. Knife
  6. Chopping block
  7. Potholder
  8. Double boiler/microwave
  9. Glass measuring cup
  10. Hurricane lamp
  11. Candle wax
  12. Candle (not tapered)



  1. Firstly, it is recommended that you choose a wide shell which is large enough and fits easily on a flat surface. When you decide to use a natural shell that you found on the seashore, make sure that you wash and dry the shell thoroughly before doing any decorations on it. Then, you have to place the shell upright and if possible use a bowl (or other container) that you manage to fill it with rice or sand because by doing this you would be able to stabilize the shell position when wax are poured onto the shell.
  2. Next step to do is to remove the tin casing found on your tea light and gently pull out the metal core from the bottom side of the light in order to remove its wick. Make sure that you secure the metal core along with the wick standing upright positioning it right in the middle of the shell.
  3. Once you finished doing the above step, you can place the paraffin on your chopping block so that you would be able to cut it into one-inch cubes by using sharp knife. Put all the cubes in a double boiler in order for you to heat it and ensure it is only medium heat of approximately up to 5 minutes or until you see that the wax has melted. Another option is to place the cubes into a glass-measuring cup so that it can melt in the microwave once you use a high setting of approximately 6 minutes.
  4. After the wax has melted, slowly pour them into your sea shell around the wick. Ensure that the wax is cool completely before you start to place it into your gift box and wrap it with holiday wrapping paper.
  5. Another idea of home decorating gifts is to make a hurricane lamp shell gift by choosing a hurricane lamp that you own; it does not matter what size or shape that you have. Then, take a tapered candle and drip a few melted drops of your candle wax into the inside of the lamp and onto the base. Once done, immediately set the candle into the warm wax that you have created and hold it firmly until you find that it is set and secured.
  6. Finally, you can place your hurricane lamp onto the base before you start to pour sand into the lamp until it is at least 2-inches to 3-inches deep. You can add variety of shells around the candle and also on top of the sand thus creating bright and cheerful gifts for this Christmas celebration.

Image Credit:

Flickr CC

Additional Reading:

Simply Handmade: 365 Easy Gifts & Decorations You Can Make

Flea Market Decorating