Troubleshoot Problems of your Lawn Sprinkler


It might look like a hard task for you to troubleshoot problems of your lawn sprinkler. However, most of the problems are easy for you to check and even fix them on your own. Once you find out what is the source of the problem, you can repair it immediately. For example, you might even need to check the water supply to your lawn sprinkler or just simply change the sprinkler’s spray head. The important thing to make sure is to do regular maintenance of your sprinkler system in order to avoid lots of problems that might occur to your lawn sprinkler. Having a sprinkler system on your lawns, gardens or landscape provides you with efficient and practical way for distributing water. However, if you encounter major problems such as faulty wiring, replacement of transformers, and similar items, it is recommended that you seek advice or hire a professional to resolve the problems for you.

To troubleshoot lawn sprinkler, you need:

  • Replacement nozzle
  • Paper clip
  • Manufacturer’s manual
  • Screwdriver
  • Water hose

Troubleshooting Lawn Sprinkler

How to Troubleshoot Problems of your Lawn Sprinkler

  • First thing that you need to do is to open up the control valve all the way up if you find that the sprinkler refuses to pop up.
    • As for control valve which is open, it might be caused by water pressure that is inadequate. If this happens, you need to address the issue of low pressured water by breaking its circuit into two lines.

The spray types and rotor types are two common types of lawn sprinkler heads used by house owner. Both of the types are designed with built-in filters within the body of the sprinkler’s head. The filters is the normal areas where dirt or other debris will get clog thus resulting to uneven spraying patterns or might end up in the stoppage of the water flow.

  • If you encounter the problem of water spurting from the sprinkler’s body, you need to check for missing nozzle.
    • Whenever you notice that it is damaged, you have to replace the nozzle with a new one.
    • If the nozzle is working fine, you can also check on the sprinkler’s head whether its riser is broken or not. If it is broken, you should replace it with a new riser.
  • As for sprinkler’s spray which has been misdirected, you can simply use a paper clip to fix the problem.
    • Firstly, you take a paper clip and unbend it.
    • Then, you can use the unbend paper clip to unclog the nozzle of the sprinkler head.
    • Once the nozzle is cleared, you need to adjust the spray by turning either its head or nozzle in order for it to be able to point to the right direction.
    • For some sprinkler system, you have to use a small screwdriver in order to turn the flow-adjustment screw located on the top of its nozzle.
  • Make sure you clean the holes or slots in your sprinkler’s head whenever you notice that there are water drizzling from your nozzle.
    • You can also use a paper clip for removing the source that clogs the sprinkler’s head. Normally, you will find mineral deposits, insects as well as any other type of debris that makes it clog.
    • You might also need to check with the product’s manufacturer manual guide in order to know how to remove individual nozzles. Once you know how to do it, you would be able to hold the nozzles under running water and wash any of the debris that you find on the sprinklers.
  • You must also check for any leaking of your lawn sprinkler’s system.
    • The leakage problem can drive up your utility bills, become harmful to your plants, flowers as well as other types of greenery in your garden.
  • If your sprinkler pops up and find that there is no water spraying, you should try to turn the radius-adjustment screw in a counterclockwise manner
    • Once the adjustment screw is already fully turned on, you can check whether the nozzle is clog or not. If it is clog, you need to remove all the debris or even flush out the nozzle screen using running water if you find that it is blocked by debris.
  • If your sprinkler only rotates in one direction and suddenly stops, you might have to increase your water pressure.
    • If you find that after increasing the water pressure does not resolve the issue, it might be caused by a faulty sprinkler head that should be replaced with a new one.
  • For those of you who encounter a sprinkler that fails to retract right after watering, you need to inspect any area in between your sprinkler rise and the riser seal.
    • If there is any debris on your riser seal, you should clear them away.
    • As for a riser seal that has been damaged slightly, it needs to be replaced immediately.
    • In the event of a damaged retraction spring, you might also need to replace your sprinkler.

    Always remember that whenever you want to troubleshoot problems for your lawn sprinkler,

    • You will find that the Spray-type lawn sprinklers are easy to clean than the rotor-type heads. The cleaning task requires you to use your hand.
    • You must ensure to prevent unwanted dirt or other debris from getting into contact with your water line whenever you intend to remove its head for cleaning.
    • The debris such as mulch, pebbles and yard ornaments that you used for enhancing your lawn or garden should be avoided from getting into the way of your sprinkler system in order to prevent the system from retracting.

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