How to Construct Farmhouse Kitchen Tables


Having a sturdy farmhouse kitchen table can certainly brighten up your kitchen room. Farmhouse kitchen table can be use within any type of kitchen room. You would be able to find farmhouse table that come with either four legs or even only having a pedestal base. The reason for using pedestal base is because it is quite sturdy and easy to construct than other material. By having farmhouse table in your kitchen room certainly add a unique appeal and simplicity feeling within your kitchen area. It is easy to build even if you only have little knowledge and below are some of the tips that you can follow in order to construct your very own farmhouse kitchen tables.

To construct a farmhouse kitchen table, you need:

  • 5 foot square sheet of plywood
  • Sandpaper
  • Table saw
  • Wood tape
  • Leg patterns from balsa wood
  • Wood glue
  • Hanger bolts
  • Chisel
  • Band clamps
  • Utility knife
  • Band saw
  • Dwelling jig
  • Eight 2- to 3-inch wood slats
  • Locking pliers
  • Six large bolts
  • 2-inch thick wood stock for legs
  • Measuring tape
  • Six nuts and washers to go with the bolts
  • Pencil
  • 1-inch thick wood strips for table bracers
  • Metal brackets
  • Wood stain
  • Wood varnish
  • Sponge

Constructing a Farmhouse Kitchen Tables

How to Construct your own Farmhouse Kitchen Tables

  • First thing that you need to do is to take a table saw for cutting eight slats of wood of at least 2 to 3 inches wide.
    • Then, you need to sand the wood to create a smooth surface.
    • All the wood pieces need to be line up in a row in order for you to start glue them all together.
    • After that, you must tape the entire line together and leave them standing up right before you bend them until you can create a large circle.
    • Next, you have to glue the first and last piece together. In order to hold them in place you need to use band clamps and make sure that it is completely dry.
    • If you find drips of glue on the wood, you can remove them by using a chisel.
  • You can use balsa wood to create the leg. You will find that the two ends are capable of resting flat against the table base and your flooring.
    • Next step to do is to trace the pattern onto your 2-inch thick wood stock.
    • You need to cut three legs out of your wood stock using a band saw. Make sure that you sand all the three legs so that it will look smooth.
    • Then, you should be drilling two hanger pilot holes into every leg that you have made.
    • After that, you can use locking pliers in order to attach the hanger bolts along with the legs to the base of the table.
    • Next, make sure that you mark the location of each leg on table base before you can start to drill holes enabling you to bolt the legs to your table.
  • To create the surface of your farmhouse kitchen table, you have to cut a 5 foot square out of your plywood and sand the wood for smoother surface.
    • Then, you need to attach the surface onto the table by using screws, brackets and glue.
  • The next step that you need to do is to cut four pieces of 1-inch thick wood with at least 2 inches wide. This size should be able to match the table length and they should be at least 5 feet.
    • Make sure that you sand the wood pieces for smother look.
    • After that, you need to screw each of them below your table top right at the edge of your table. Each of the pieces must be flush with the other pieces.
  • Finally, you can use a wood stain for applying stain onto the entire table.
    • After that, let the wood dry thoroughly before you can proceed to varnish the wood so that you can maintain its good condition for longer period. You can choose any color of your choice and then leave the wood to dry thoroughly before you can use your farmhouse kitchen table.

You can use bold red or even mustard kind of color in order to create a fresh look farmhouse kitchen table that comes with unexpected attitude. In addition, you can also mix warm and cool colors that enable you to balance the room’s color temperature for making it feel comfortable for any seasons.

Always remember that whenever you want to make a farmhouse kitchen tables and you decide to apply wood stain or varnish on them,

  • You must ensure that you do the task in an open area with well ventilated air.
  • If you want the table to have a unique appearance, you can even use distressing techniques like hitting the table with chains or scratching the surface with a nail. By doing this, you would be able to create an older or worn-out look. You can also use faux painting techniques like crackling to make the table look antique.

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