Category Archives: Home Improvement

Tips for Cleaning Pressure Treated Wood Decks

 For those of you who own a pressure treated wood deck, you should do the cleaning and maintenance on the surface of the wood deck at least once or twice every year, but it all depend, on the location of your house and also the surrounding climate. Pressure treated wood deck are always prone to ...

Easy steps to Organize your Pool Room

 In order to organize your pool room, the easiest way is to make use of colors and textures similar to your pool table. Due to the size of the pool table which is normally large, you need to decorate it within the pool room using suitable décor that can complements the table's color or its ...

Finding Water Leaks in your House

 If you have water leaks in your house, you must immediately resolve the problems because the leak in your water line can be costly on water and sewer billings. Even though if you think that it is only a small leak, it will always add up to gallons of wasted water if left unattended. Sometimes ...

Learn to Track for Water Leaks on Brick Home

 Brick homes that have been sealed completely can also have leaking problems. You will never know when water would be able to leak through your brick home especially in the foundation area or even through the basement part of your house. You must always do regular check on your brick homes and if you notice ...

Replacing Bricks from Blaze King Stove

 The Blaze King Stove is normally used because it uses fire bricks which are capable of maintaining heat and at the same time provide protection to the steel surface of your stove similar like any other wood stove design. However, if you notice that the fire bricks that you are using have started to fall ...

Tips for Replacing Sprinkler Head

 Most of the problems that you will encounter for your sprinkler heads can be easily fixed even if you are a first timer in doing this kind of task. Damages on sprinkler heads can be caused by lawnmowers, snowplows, dirt, sand, grass clippings, debris or even due to freezing weather elements during the winter season. ...

Taking Care of your Brick Flooring

 Brick flooring is a unique and rustic flooring option that you can use for designing your home. In addition it is also fire proof and fade-proof that can last for long period of year. However, you need to take good care of the porous brick flooring so that you would be able to maintain its ...

Troubleshoot Problems of your Lawn Sprinkler

 It might look like a hard task for you to troubleshoot problems of your lawn sprinkler. However, most of the problems are easy for you to check and even fix them on your own. Once you find out what is the source of the problem, you can repair it immediately. For example, you might even ...

Ways to find Leaks in your Roof and Window

 Leaks that occur in your roof and window will definitely allow rainwater to enter your home thus causing damage to your interior walls and also expensive furniture. In addition, the leaks from your window will also allows air to get out of your house resulting to more heating within the house and also increasing the ...

Ways to Maintain Brick Patio

 House owners tend to build brick patio because of its durability and attractiveness that would compliments the appearance of the house and also able to add more value to it. In order to maintain your brick patio for longer period, you need to do regular maintenance especially if the patio has gone through harsh sun ...

How to Get Rid Of Algae from Brick

If you managed to maintain your brick homes accordingly, the brick will definitely last for a long period of time. For those of you who makes it a habit to check the condition of their brick homes will notice that in just a few months a distinctive green growth which is known as algae appearing ...

Easy Steps to Clean Brick Homes

 Brick homes are chosen by house owners because of its durability, appealing look and also having the ability to increase the resale value of the house in future. It is very important for every house owner to clean their brick home regularly because it can attract dirt, mold, mildew and debris especially if the bricks ...

Tips for Maintaining Brick Homes

 People tend to choose brick homes because of its durability, nice appealing look and never fail to increase the resale value of the house. Bricks have been used since the era of the ancient Romans where they built roads by using brick which are still intact up until today. Bricks can even be recycled even ...

Simple Steps to Maintain Brick Chimney

 A simple action that you can take for maintaining your brick chimney is by using soap and water. A well maintained brick chimney situated above your house rooftop will definitely provide a rustic and classic look to anyone who walks pass your house. Due to the brick chimney being an attractive and decorative exterior, even ...

Changing Fire Bricks in your Wood Stove

 In order to retain heat and protect your wood stove, you should replace used fire bricks with a new one whenever you find that the fire bricks are broken. However, you must make sure that you replace the broken or cracked bricks with the same type so that you would be able to maintain the ...

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