Getting Rid of Stinkbugs in the House

Any type of insects that invades our space is irritating to have especially in the house. In the house where there are kids, it’s not a good idea to let these insects roam around freely. They can hurt us in ways that we cannot imagine.

Getting stung is definitely not a good feeling. It’s alright if it’s not harmful, but if it is then we are in trouble. We need to be extra careful against these types of insects. There are those insects who just love to get a taste of our foods before we do. These are the ones that we must be most careful of.

Stinkbugs usually hide in places such as in your curtain, drawers, laundry or even in your bedding. This stinkbug protects itself from being eaten by other animals like birds by releasing a bad odor and the odor also becomes a marker for them to return back to their favorite spots and sometimes they stay there for a very long time if you do not take immediate action to prevent the infestation from getting out of control.

What you need:

  1. Vacuum cleaner
  2. Chemical repellent like cyfluthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, sumithrin or tralomethrin.
  3. Spreader sticker
  4. Aerosol treatments
  5. Deltamethrin dust treatment
  6. Hire professional pest control



  1. Temporary measure is to use a vacuum cleaner to clean some of the dead or live bugs. This method will only reduce its population temporarily.
  2. Use a chemical repellent especially on the side area of your house where you think that the bugs may enter the house for example like, window frames and near crawl spaces. Some of the repellent that you can use are cyfluthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, sumithrin or tralomethrin.
  3. You can also use a “spreader sticker” because the stinkbug’s skin is tough and may not be vulnerable to some insecticides. Use the spray on the outside of your house and let it drip down for a full coverage of the area. This method is suitable for usage during the day when it is warmer, and also in the fall season before the bugs start to invade your house.
  4. Use aerosol treatments for the inside of your house for example, by using Baygon which you can apply to window and door frames, floor moldings, around ceiling lights, wall sconces and any other place where you might think is the hideout of the bugs. This method needs to be done once a week.
  5. Another method to use is the Dusting treatment for example, the Deltamethrin dust which is commonly used on large areas or even hard-to-reach areas like the attics because sometimes liquid or aerosol treatments tend to soak into insulation materials and be absorbed immediately when entering certain area. This method also lasts longer with approximately up to 12 months.
  6. Last option to choose is to hire a professional pest control who has the expertise in doing the task more properly.

Image Credit:

Flickr CC

Additional Reading:

Cockroaches, Stinkbugs & Other Creepy Crawlers (Draw Science)