Basics of Patios

To have a patio is really nice as a patio is a nice place to hang out and relax. To have tiles in your patio is even nicer. But, before having tiles in your patio, one has to install them first one by one. There are many types of tiles available that you can choose from for your patio. By having a tile patio will certainly add some class to your old patio design because tile is always available in a wide range of textures, materials and colors for you to choose from. It will give your patio a whole different look, one that you certainly would like. When it comes to the weather, tiles for your patio are more durable. Installation on your own will take a lot of your effort and patience, plus also a sunny weather condition in order for the tile to dry thoroughly.

The basics of making your own patio for your house is not as hard and difficult as you think. If you want to build your patio from a loose-brick design that does rely on mortar then the process will not be difficult. Building the very basic patio will only need at least a day if you prepare the surface properly and have enough of materials to work with. However, this is a work that consumes a lot of energy because of the physical work such as digging the sod and bricks hauling. Here are the steps on how to make the basic patio.

You will need:

  1. Flat snow shovel.
  2. Sand to cover the patio area.
  3. Stones or bricks.
  4. Broom.
  5. Large spade.
  6. Long carpenter’s level.
  7. Garden hose with a light spray setting.



  1. First, dig out the sod in the area where you want to build the patio with a large spade. Get it as level as leveled and smooth as you can. Roll out the weed blocker and overlapping them within the long edges, cutting any unnecessary blocker with a razor.
  2. Spread the sand over the area about 3 inches of depth. Level the surface with a snow shovel before laying the long level at random points on the surface to check the level. You can adjust and flatten it with the back of snow shovel if needed.
  3. Turn on your garden hose and set it with a light spray setting to soak the area thoroughly and to prevent the sand from being disturbed. Leave it to dry about one hour before repeat the same process about three times. After the soaking process, let the area dry under the sun for several hours to get well-packed sand.
  4. Be careful not to disturb the sand while gently laying your paving bricks down over the sand. To prevent yourselves from getting four corners meeting in one place, lay the bricks in a staggered pattern. The space between the bricks should be about ΒΌ inch.
  5. Fill in the cracks between the bricks by sweeping in remaining sand with a broom. Use your feet while walking around the perimeter to push the surrounding sod up against the bricks. This will help to stabilize them.

Image Credit:

Flickr CC

Additional Reading:

Building Your Own Greenhouse (Greenhouse Basics)

Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Patios & Walkways: Money-Saving Do-It-Yourself Projects for Improving Outdoor Living Space (Black & Decker Complete Guide)