Blue Plants in Nature

Gardening is a special hobby that in today\’s age; very few people have come to love it. Aside from a piece of land, to really enjoy gardening one needs to have the time and patience. It\’s hard in today\’s world where technology is at such advance speed to just leave these technologies and spend one\’s time doing something really simple.

Moving on, a garden can be really fun if we have a variety of things in the garden. A mixture of plants such as vegetables and fruits is nice to have, if we are planning on making really good use of these. Aside from these, to have a garden with a color mix is even nicer. Something that complements the garden\’s design that will in turn create compliments for us.

With today\’s scientific technology, plants can be created in different styles and colors. All to add a new look and definitely is a step higher in the world of gardening. Botanists nowadays are able to create flowers and plants of almost any colors including blue with experimentation and scientific studies. Plants with blue flowers or fruits are less common in nature than those other colors. If you are searching for contrast in your garden, there are few varieties that will look beautiful the eye and can be eaten as well. Here are among of blue plants that you can choose from to plant in your garden.

Blue Plants


This sweet picking fruits originated from North America and are usually used in scones, pies and jams. The Native Americans call them as star berries as some of us do. You could pick them right off from the stem and eat them on the spot. There are more than 400 varieties of blueberries in the Vaccinium family. The Northern Highbush grows wild and it is also the variety that is often grown commercially throughout the Canada and United States. The berries size can be as small as peas or as large as marbles, while the color will range from medium blue to deep purple. The Highbush variety can grow up to 12 feet tall. These berries are also great sources of antioxidants.

Himalayan Blue Poppy

This plant produces 3-inch sky blue blossoms with contrasting gold sepals and stamens is beautiful to the eyes indeed. This hardy, with reaching heights of almost 50 inches, and shade loving plants are best planted under trees or next to the larger shrubs. The Himalayan Blue Poppy plants prefer acidic and well drained soils for optimal growth. If they are left alone, the seedlings will fill in bare areas.


This plant offers a splash of blue petals atop of a slender and long stem. This plant, which is hardy, can reach into a height of 36 inches and width of almost 12 inches. It can grow in almost any well-drained soil or even those with poor nutrients. This plant likes the full sun and comes out once a year, so the seeds should be planted between March and May.

Image Credit:

Flickr CC

Additional Reading:

Incredible Plants (Nature Company Discoveries Libraries)

Guide to the Plants of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, A