Growing and Caring for Banana Trees

Gardening is fun to do. When we plants fruits, it\’s even more fun to do when it comes to gardening. It\’s considered time well spent on our part. This is because then the fruits are fully grown, we can see the accomplishment that we have committed ourselves to. Whenever you decide to grow banana trees in a non-tropical surrounding, you need to put some extra special care to see its growth. Once you have mastered the process, growing banana trees is easy to handle because it only needs several months to grow if the temperature is fairly hot allowing it to produce fruits for you to harvest.

What you need:

  1. Suitable location to plant the tree
  2. Fertilizer
  3. Mulch or any vegetative waste
  4. Water

Banana Trees


  1. Determine the suitable area to plant the banana trees so that they can receive the correct amount of sun along with some wind protection. If you are in a hot summer climate, banana trees can grow much better with the help of some afternoon shade that helps to keep its leaves from getting burned. Besides that, it also needs to be protected from strong winds or you can plant it in a much sheltered location.
  2. During the early days of growing banana trees, you need to always mulch it very well in order for it to conserve water, acidify the surrounding soil, plus also helping any fertilizer to enter its soil more slowly. You can also use old banana leaves as mulch because they are high in potassium which is good for the growth of the trees.
  3. Always keep them well watered because the large leaf size of a banana tree causes them to lose large amounts of water especially during the hot weather or climate. You must also make sure that the soil must drain very well otherwise the tree may rot from the ground upwards. For soil condition containing clay and holds on to water, you need to add some coarse sand, perlite, pea gravel or some bags of cactus potting soil at least up to 2 feet for improving on its drainage.
  4. Ensure that you fertilize heavily on regular schedule especially when the tree is actively growing starting with a spread of cup during its first growing season. As the tree grows, add additional cups of fertilizer that has high potassium every two weeks and as the height of the tree increases, the number of fertilizer cups also need to be added.
  5. Whenever the temperature of your climate reaches below 60 degrees, you must stop fertilizing activity and the tree needs to be protected. You can take a new shoot of banana trees within the area and also the main stem to grow faster. This is a safety precaution that needs to be considered after the winter season is over, some of banana trees may survive.

Image Credit:

Flickr CC

Additional Reading:

Replanting the Banana Tree: A Study in Ecologically Sustainable Development