Installing Earth-Friendly Ceramic Tiles

Earth-friendly ceramic tiles are easy to be installed and great for the environment. If you are planning to replace the peel and stick floor tiles with earth-friendly ceramic tiles. Here are the steps to do it.

Things that you need:

  1. Ceramic tiles
  2. tile spacers
  3. chalk
  4. trowel
  5. mortar
  6. metal transition strip
  7. straight board
  8. tile cutter/wet saw or water saw
  9. tile nippers
  10. grout
  11. towels
  12. sponges
  13. bucket of water


  1. First, take the measurement and make chalk lines to create the necessary guidelines, down the middle of the room which is most important. Cut threshold strips and transitions as needed. Then, dry fit the first rows of tiles. Account for the grout lines by using tile spacers. Mark the area and tile points and remove the dry fitted tiles.
  2. Spread the mortar over the area of the first few rows using a notched trowel. Use the flat side of the trowel to spread the mortar and use the edge of the trowel at a 45-degree angle to create wide grooves in the mortar. Place metal transition into the mortar at any doorways.
  3. Lay down the tiles and appropriate spacers. Press the tiles into the mortar with enough pressure until they feel seated. Use a straight board to check the level of the adjoining tiles.
  4. A tile cutter can be used to cut most of tiles. It is a tool that slides over the tile to cut. The tile is then pressed and snapped to break along the scored line. Another way is to use water saw or wet saw which can be rented from the hardware store and tile stores.
  5. Next, if you are making tile pattern or design, use a tile nipper to make intricate cuts for areas around the molding and fixtures. If necessary, snap off small tile pieces. Continue applying mortar, laying tiles and checking the layout and design as you progress. Avoid walking back over tiles that have been installed. Leave the mortar overnight.
  6. When the mortar is set, remove the tile spacers. Use screwdriver to dig out any excess mortar in the grout lines. Clean up any debris left behind.
  1. Mix the grout and spread over a tiled area. Push the grout into the tilde crevices by using the edge of a grout float. Move the excess grout to new areas. Sponge away the excess grout. When the grout is dried, re-install the shoe and doorway transition molding.

Additional Reading:

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