Building a wind generator

Another alternative energy that you can get from Mother Nature is wind power from a wind generator. Constructing a wind generator is fairly complicated, but it is still possible to build your own wind generator. All you need is to know the basic steps of installing the generator according to your location and budget. Building ...

Building a cob home

Cob home is structure-made from a material called cob. It is one of the oldest methods of building low cost homes. The principal construction materials are all environmental-friendly and organic which makes it a good thing in common with rammed-earth homes or adobes. A cob house is basically made from a mixture of clay, sand ...

Building a worm bin for trash

If you love the idea of growing healthier and having a sustainable garden, this composting worm bin is a great project to do. Worm bin is not an expensive way to compost your leftover food such as vegetables or fruits. You can simply make your own worm bin by using a metal garbage can. The ...

Increasing security in your home

It is important for you to increase the security of your house in order to protect yourself, your belongings and also your family from burglars and unwanted intruders. Of course, you can install the various range of security systems in the market today but the main thing to do is the basic form of security ...

Cleaning Windows

As easy as it sounds, cleaning windows do have its own methods to make sure that your windows are cleaned perfectly but at the same time retain their squeaky cleanness for longer period. If you are among those who can\'t get it right on how to clean your windows at home, here\'s how you can ...

Growing Peppermint

It is very easy to grow the peppermint. What you need is regular sunlight and they will establish quickly. It is quite resistant to heat and drought. Peppermint also does not need fertilizer when planted indoors in potting soil. They are plants that are perennials that will keep growing for years. You can ...

Growing cabbages

Cabbage is categorized as a cool-weather crop. They are a hardy biennial grown as a cool weather crop annually that can tolerate frost but not the heat. Here are the methods on how you can grow the cabbages by your own. SiteYou need a soil rich in organic matter and that is well drained to grow ...

Caring for a Geranium plant

A Geranium is a diverse type of plant with various types which can be grown in a range of conditions such as from full sun to shade environment. The Geranium plant comes with variety colours like pink, blue, white, and purple. It usually blooms in the middle of summer time and there are some species ...

Caring for a bromeliad plant

If you like tropical plant that needs very little care then the Bromeliads is a good choice because the plants are part of the pineapple family, comes with variety of colours and also provides spectacular kind during its full bloom. Below are some of the steps that you can do in order to care for ...

Growing Savoy and Red cabbage

There is nothing really hard in growing Savoy and Red cabbage. It is more to the fact that what type of cabbage you want to grow when there are so many more interesting varieties to challenge yourself with. Savoy cabbage is a wrinkled variety that resembles your fingers which have been soaked in water for ...

What not to do when growing peppermint

Peppermints (the mint family) originate from the Mediterranean regions. While all mints belong to the same family, they also include oregano, sage and marjoram. All except these herbs can be grown in your garden beds without fear of taking over. The peppermint plant is a hardy perennial. The flowers are usually in pinks, white and ...

Repotting plants the easy way

In order to repot your favorite plants, you need to have the knowledge because if you are not doing it properly, you may likely lose your plant. Whenever your plants become pot bound, the plant\'s roots will fill up the entire pot and it will not be having enough soil to hold any water for ...

Planting Avocado Seeds

Avocado seeds can be planted just like the seeds of any other tree. However, there is a possibility of them not producing, or even producing mutated-looking avocados. The proper process of planting avocado seeds takes a long time but guarantees better results.For an avocado seed to be suitable for planting, the pit located in the ...

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